Sunday, May 20, 2007

Did you know that the Bahamas have over 700 islands? I didn't know that until yesterday. I'm here for work. So yesterday we landed after an overnight flight to Atlanta with a connection into Grand Bahama Island. As the lady was stamping my passport she said, "the Atlantis is a very nice hotel. Did you know that it is on a different island?" Jaw dropped, face lost all color, panic quickly coursing through my veins when she offered, "it is no problem. Go to the domestic terminal and take a local plane over to Nassau. They go all the time." And so we did and we got in a little later than planned. So now you and I both know that the Bahamas have more than one major island that can land big jets.

The best thing yesterday is witnessing my brother let some lady have it in the Atlanta airport. Apparently he doesn't like people who cut in line. I'm sure most of us find that annoying but Matthew takes it up a level. Before we could get on the plane, we had to get our ID and more specifically our passports checked. There was the typical backup as we shuffled through the process. Well this lady tried to get on the plane skipping the one step we all were in the process of complying with. She turned and moved into the line just behind my brother. There were maybe 10 people she was cutting in front of. It was then that Matthew turned to her and said, "hey're bustin' the line!" She refused but most of the people chuckled and didn't see it as a big deal. "People that cut suck," he said loud enough for her to hear. Beauty. Hope you are well and that you don't cut in front of my brother.

Johnny GoFast

Johnny GoFast


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are worried about your return trip. Alamo is in North America not South America. Good luck and Go Fast. Mama GoFast

5:01 PM  
Blogger Merkeley Bike said...

She says: "the Atlantis is a very nice hotel. Did you know that it is on a different island?"

She thinks: F$%@ing tourists!

Sounds like a great trip. Keep us posted on the adventures.

6:05 PM  

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