Monday, March 19, 2007

Holy buckets, lot of jibber/jabber out there regarding the racing yesterday. I had a good time and tried to go hard when I could. My sprint in the end was more of a holy shit they're right behind me kind of thing more than it was a "I can win" kind of thing. Going into the last turn I got banged pretty hard by a guy that can shoot the gap pretty good. I was able to hang on (for dear life) and come through the last turn upright. I could feel the thundering herd beating down my neck so I went and faded toward the end. Good enough for 10th, and after a hard week and sticking my nose out there a bit trying to form a break, I was okay with the result.

I wish I could talk smack. I don't feel good enough yet to be able to sit somebody down during a race. The best I can do is talk to others that I've met and ask them how they're doing, general comments about the weather, inquire whether anyone is off the front, etc. You know, general just trying to fit in kind of stuff. But the stuff that fly's during the race really does deserve some commentary. Not like the stuff that happens in the majors under the I'm such an A-Hole sometimes thread. I tend to think you're not, Olaf, but then again, from my ability level I have no way to judge. Although trying to pry somebodies head off like a beer top seems a bit extreme, maybe in some culture somewhere akin to bike racing, this would seem acceptbable. I don't know. Anyway, we come barrelling into one of the corners at Zamora and low and behold, the whole Cat 4 peloton hits the brakes. Oh the horror. Failing to maintain 30 mph through a tight 90 degree corner is blasphemy in the bike racing world I know, but from where I was sitting 30 or so back, I really didn't mind going through at the "Deity of Your Choices" limit. So this yahoo next to me let's fly with a "why are we hitting the brakes and where'd you all learn to turn?" All I could get out was a muffled chuckle...but if that chuckle had any words to it, it would have gone something like this, "...hey pal, I know you just downgraded and all, but this is how we roll in the Cat 4's. Now I can't speak for the rest of my compadres, but I for one learned to turn my bike by riding my trainer. You dig?" But I didn't get anything out because there is probably a little to much pleasant in this Pegasaurus. Maybe I should take up crocheting.

Johnny KnitFast


Blogger Chico Cyclist said...

You know, I remember that turn. All I remember thinking was......get in a good sprint gear, get in a good sprint gear.....cause I knew as soon as we were outta that corner, it was gonna go.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You should have asked him "If you've got so much yelling energy pent up, why don't you just go off the front, Mr. Big Shot? Then you can corner all by your wee self and we can do without your bitching and moaning? it's win win"

5:05 PM  
Blogger Gianni said...

We were rolling so slow I had a nice conversation with my buddy Mark from PV about home improvement while the fourth lap was boring us all.
Nice work out there, bud.

8:43 PM  
Blogger said...


that race needs wind.

... but then it's hard.

fun, but haaaaard.

9:54 AM  
Blogger X Bunny said...

i was counting down how many times we had to take that corner and just reminding myself how many fewer that was than a crit

12:46 PM  
Blogger Dr. Xeno said...

Great recent blog content GoFast, oh, and a decent result for a potential kung fu crochet master; congrats. Still waiting for just one Peggy-EMC breakaway so we can have like, 30 guys blocking...

2:00 PM  

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