Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Not quite certain if I looked exactly like the picture, but in my head it was similar. Last night, on my way home from the rock pile, I decided to get off the bike at a speed I'm a little unaccustomed to. Of course I was assisted by an unforeseen bump in the road and I ejected. When I came to, I was very disoriented. Some good samaritan stopped and called in the troops. In what seemed like seconds but later revealed to me as about 15 minutes, my wife was on the scene. I was already being attended to by the ambulance guys that had arrived. I remember only patches at this point, but I do remember that one of the guys looked like Chet from that old show Emergency. If you are in the 40+ range, you may know what I'm talking about. They asked me a battery of questions some of which I could answer. Others, such as what day is it, I could only guess at. I couldn't remember immediately what route I used to get home. Though I remember things like racing on the weekend, I couldn't remember where or when that was. It was really bizarre. Later, after the oxygen and some time my memory started to come back. A battery of x-rays and cat scans revealed that I indeed had cracked ribs, no broken collar bone, and that my brain was in normal shape except for the normal baggage I'm used to carring around. The general jist is that I'll be back on the bike in about a month or sooner if the ribs heal up. One flash and so much changes. I'm thankful that it's not worse. Upon delivering the news to my mother this morning, one of her first questions was, "how is the bike?" That made me laugh and subsequently wince in pain. Anything more than shallow breathing kills. In any event, hope you are well. See you in a while.

Johnny GoDownFast


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