Okay, I think I'll start today's post out with the word "okay". That's the way my daughter has been starting her sentences, and I think it's kind of cool. Please note Mom: I did not use her name. For those of you reading along at home, my mother has expressed concerns about using real names within my blog. She's concerned that I'm going to get sued for libel. If my readership ever gets that full, I will have arrived. Anywho, I don't think anything I say here regarding my complete and total domination of Steve Griffiths can be used in a court of law if it is all true.
Get on with the post, you scream? Alright then, let's begin. The photo from above is from a team time trial that I was privileged to be a part of yesterday evening. The deal is run by the Fightin' Bobas team on a loop near Petaluma. As it was our first foray into this type of thing, we had many questions upon our arrival. First, "what the hell is a Fighting Boba," we inquired of the first Boba to cross our path. Apparently there are a ton of stories (all of them long). The dumbed down version involves a goat and an extremely lonely Boba, apparently. Other questions involved wind, and distance and direction. I didn't hear the answers to any of those questions as I was wondering why a goat and not a sheep.
The course is windy and slightly hilly. We were going so fast that it was hard to communicate with each other. When I heard somebody yelling, I just assumed that they were yelling at how large my legs looked and so I kept on mashing. We came in third, which got us some kudos from the local TTers on our first effort. More importantly, we went old school with just regular bikes. First and second opted for everything aero and TTesque. It was pretty pathetic. I'm surpised they didn't wear dayglo and face shield sunglasses ala Mr. LeMond back in the day. They crushed us by four minutes. The evening was capped off by awards which were basically anything the pseudo race director needed to get rid of: stale girl scout cookies, experienced biking tights, old race t-shirts, assorted beers, etc. Smiles all the way around. It would be great if the rest of you blog heads got your crap together and came out for the finale. See: http://eteamz.active.com/FightinBobas/news/index.cfm?cat=264257 for additional details. Heavy cool factor. In the meantime: if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with.
Johnny GoFast
Okay, we're Pegasus and we drink beer.
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