Monday, September 29, 2008

Ouchola. I'm not going to lie to you, that's not what I said upon hitting the deck yesterday at the Central Coast race. It was the last lap and I had just put a little dig in to get a gap on Eric Bustos and Brock Dickie. I needed a gap because I was having a hard time going as fast as everyone else on some of the descents. I was basically getting the crap beaten out of me every time down this one section in particular. Every lap I told myself to ride smooth and that it would be over shortly. On the last lap, I clearly remember thinking with some sense of joy that this would be the last time down this section and then I was on the ground wondering what the hell just happened. I picked myself up and grabbed my bike so Eric and Brock wouldn't slam into it. It seemed ride-able and at first glance I seem to be in one piece so I remounted. But you know how that goes. A little crash does wonders for the confidence and I managed to bobble my way to the finish line almost face planting going over one of the remaining barriers (above picture shown specifically to prove to Mr. C. that I can clear the barriers with some style). I lost another spot just before the line.

So I sit here today with the usual accoutrements of aches, pains and scrapes and I'm wondering how this will affect my training. And how I can improve my skills. And how I can shed some pounds. And how I can goose more speed out of this body. Yep, I'd say Project Johnny is in full swing. Anyway, hope you are well.

Johnny GoFast


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I didn't even realize you were in my race. That's how behind / out of it I was. Good job. I hope to creep up the results sheet and maybe even be in the race, well, someday.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Johnny GoFast said...

Morgan, stick with it. This is the first time I've ever done anything close to this good. I went from racing to not get lapped, to racing to finish somewhere in the middle. The body adapts to the speed but only if you keep taking the abuse. As you know, everyone is really cool out there. Which makes it a lot of fun. I didn't see you either but I'll keep an eye out to say "hey" next time. I've been meaning to talk to you about your Canada Mtb Trip/race. I read your whole report. Loved it.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks! I hope I can follow in your footsteps. TR was awesome. I'm itching to do another one like it, maybe 2010. If you have any interest in doing one, follow it. It was... significant. I've got so many great memories from it.

Yeah, this is the season of hammer and tongs. I'll either crack or come out stronger. See you at CCCX #3?

3:59 PM  

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