Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where the hell have I been!?! Volunteering, lost in a PBR can, skiing, seedy pizza halls, hot tubs, but mostly volunteering. The surprising thing about volunteering in my kids classes is that they let me in there in the first place and that they keep having me back. I haven't been sent to the principals office...yet. The last time in my daughter's class, the teacher actually had to shush me. In my defense, I would just like to point out that I was trying to help a kid figure out the last problem. I couldn't help it that I turned the solution into a game and that we were both full giggle when he arrived at the right answer. It was then that the teacher turned her angry eye toward us and lowered the boom. It was the same when I was a kid. Mostly good but forever in trouble because of poor timing. Happy to report that today's session went outstanding and that the teacher even commended me. The last time in the boy's class, the teacher at one point hammered me for being visually impaired and unable to follow simple directions. If you are chuckling at me, then know that I want to see you do an origami exercise with subsequent cutting to create a six sided snowflake (all snowflakes have six sides...did you even know that? I didn't think so). Oddly, I haven't been invited back to the boy's class since the lame snowflake cutting/folding incident. Any way, I've missed all of you and now that the sun is out and my winter depression is ebbing, I promise to be in touch more often than not.


Johnny GoFast


Blogger Unknown said...

Damn it's been a long time!

Welcome back John. Good to have you back and see something else than JBJ pics on your blog...


8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this had gone the way of both the cassette and one it's last heroes - bon jovi. Did you ever get in trouble in Ms Delmonts Social Studies class for laughing during the "name the continents, countries and capitals test" whereby she had the giant map of the world hanging on the wall - would forget to cover it, and would leave during the test to go hang out and watch Mr Strobel eat cold fried chicken leftovers in the teachers loung? We all thought that was funnier than hell. She always got the last laugh cause she would ultimately lose her grade book towards the end of the semester and end up giving everyone who was getting straight A's a "pass". Even if you kept all tests and assignments. For those of us that an A was rarer than hooking up with a girl at a rec dance, that was not funny.


2:22 PM  
Blogger Johnny GoFast said...

Delmonte had spittle in the corners of her mouth and is always my example against tenure. She was a waste of a high school teacher. Tom Janis used to routinely spill my Coca Cola that I'd buy after PE. I had Delmonte sixth period, which was perfect for so close to the end of the day. Having Janis spill my Coke, very irritating but not nearly as bad as Delmonte.

9:36 PM  
Blogger biga said...

It's good to have you back, we were getting worried. Happy Birthday Grossy.

4:14 PM  

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