Monday, July 10, 2006

Hey Gang-

Sorry for the delay in posting. Been on vacation in the Truckee Land Area with the family. I managed to get out on a few rides, mostly on the dirt. The single track and the attitude in the Truckee is spot on when it comes to the knobbied two wheeler. Some of my favorite rides like the Rim Trail and Hole in the Ground have been neglected this trip as we have not gone off the Tahoe Donner compound. I've owned my cabin up there for seven years now, and the trail network has only improved. When I first started riding up there, it was very uninspirational stuff (aka fireroad up and fireroad down). Now it's all sorts of single track that flat out rips. I also managed to get out on the road bike with the Griffociraptor. Boy took the pipe to me on the climb to Sugar Bowl, but I'm in base mode.

Got my boy out behind the boat in the innertube. His smile was a wide as the lake and as bright as the sun. Makes me grin just thinking about it. He has all the signals down and generally holds his thumb in the upright position until his mother screams at me to slow down. He also likes to continually go around in circles.

Jury duty tomorrow, and assuming I don't gauge my eyes out or end up on an OJ Simpson like trial, I'll be back up there tomorrow night. Hopefully I will post a bit more from my mountain top retreat. Hope you are well.

Johnny VacationFast


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