Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Okay people, let's go over this one more time. If your arm is not at least as twice as big as your wrist, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS GETTING A TATTOO AROUND YOUR BICEPT!! If that isn't a law in Denmark, it should be. I mean come on, shouldn't that look be completely saved for the 'roided out gym freak and the white trash Concord mom? That's about all I have to say about the tour.

My ride up Diablo last night went better than projected in my post. I was saved by a coworker named Court. He's new to the cycling world having received an extremely old Allez from my brother. I believe this Allez was first purchased by none other than Griff, who sold it to Justin Coursey, who sold it to Mike Dunsford, who sold it back to Griff who sold it to my brother who loaned it to Todd Slattengren, who gave it back to my brother who has now loaned it to Court. I think I have that right. Not sure how the bike changing hands so many times effected the economy, but I'm sure somewhere a fledgling econ major could figure it out. Anyhow, Court is not in cycling shape and to my horror, suffered something awful up the hill. Finally, fearing for his life, I begged him to turn around. He suffered on only relenting about 10 minutes later than he should have. I felt like I had thrown him to the wolves certain that he would be giving the bike back sometime soon. Imagine my smile when he walked into my office this morning and asked if we could try again on Friday evening. Some rocks are hard to split and there is some inspiration in that for all of us.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger Gianni said...

That's how it starts.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Steve Griffiths said...

dito that on Rasskinnyson. Those toothpicks are ugmo.

You must have much more to say about the tour though?

4:17 PM  

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