Tuesday, August 22, 2006

So I'm back from Minnesota where I was on vacation with the wife and kids. Had a fabulous time. The program usually worked like this: the boy would come into my room and ask me if it was time to go fishing. After breakfast, I would reply. Then let's get cracking, he'd say. And so we would. We would cook up some sausage and eggs, bacon, cereal, and feast. Afterwhich, we'd kiss the Mama, load up in the boat and jam across (fishing is always better on the other side--no matter what) the lake to our favorite fishing spot. We'd catch more than we could count. Mostly Sunnies and Perch, but the boy caught a bass as well. The girl enjoyed the fishing for about 10 minutes and then wanted at the snacks. There was always something in the bag for her. One day, we saw a Mama Loon swimming along with her kid. They swam within 10 feet of us. My kids were fascinated. At one point, one of the Loons was swimming around our boat under the water. Damn cool. They can both immitate the call pretty well. If you've heard the Loon cry once, it's something that stays with you. On another occasion, we saw a Bald Eagle. I think I was more impressed than the chitlands. I guess I've been going up there for so long now, that I remember when there weren't any there. To me, it's still amazing that they're around. To them, there are so many, that it doesn't seem that big of a deal. Moving on, after fishing, we'd run back to the cabin and get a little lunch and then it was off to this beach on the lake. We'd come in around 5pm and have some dinner. Story time and the bed and we'd do it all again the next day. They never tired of it and nor did I. Can't wait to go back.

Johnny Go(backtoMinnesota)Fast


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