Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So the wifeage yesterday was driving the kiddiewinks to school when she encountered a teeniebopper at the intersection. We live down a little lane that shoots off of a larger one separated by the boulevard. The intersection is controlled by a four way light. Most people as they head west through the intersection do not realize that those of us exiting our street have a green light as well as we head east. It is not uncommon for people to turn left in front of us all the time. We're used to it, but it gets a little annoying. So today, the wife squirts out into the intersection turning right off of our street and onto the boulevard. The teeniesomething in her daddy bought fancy car turns left into my wife almost stuffing her in the side. Annoyed, the little one honks, yells something, cuts the wife off and plows on ahead. Fuming, my wife follows the girl into the Safeway parking lot down the road and proceeds to let the little one have it, rule book and all. Unbeknownst to my wife, another car followed the pair into the parking lot and started to tell my wife that she was wrong. Bad move. I've tried it, trust me, bad move.

So then this other dude with pool equipment in the bed of his little pickup truck chimes in saying the teenygirl is right. "SAYWHATPOOLBOY!!!!" goes my
wife. "How 'bout we head right over to the sheriffs office (same complex) and have a chat with them. 'Cause I was there a few days ago asking them the very question to make sure I had it right. Huh Pool Boy, do you wanna?" Point conceded and boom goes the dynamite. Then I get the call and boy was she hot. To review: uncool to turn left in front of oncoming traffic....especially my wife. My guess is that the girl and maybe the Pool Boy will think twice before they proceed through that intersection. HoooBooyy.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger biga said...

We're all gonne be like Fonz, right?

9:03 AM  
Blogger duncanjr said...

Hey Biga! This is Smalla - nice watch! anyhway... JS, please give the Bravo Charlie a HIGH-FIVE for fighting the thankless fight! That's a good woman you've got urself there.


2:59 AM  

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