Monday, January 15, 2007

"Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio, a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you." Paul Simon

The simple answer to the above question, me playing the part of Joe Dimaggio, is that I don't know. Here it is pert near through the first month of the rest of my life and I've had nothing to write. Topics o'plenty, just cold fingers I guess. Speaking of which, went to the shower this morning and turned the knobs and got nothing. Shocked in horror, I awoke, standing there with nothing flowing down from the shower head. I checked the sink, nothing. I flushed the toilet, nothing. Actually it flushed which gave me a momentary glimpse of salvation, but then the tank didn't fill. I went to the kitchen and nothing. It was at this point that I cleverly deduced that the water was not flowing. We have some exposed pipes outside so I ultimately concluded that the pipes were...cue the dramatic music...frozen. I went out to investigate which was nothing more than standing in really cold weather with a flash light looking at exposed pipes. I contemplated taking a piss on them. I went back into the house fully prepared to pack and shower at the gym when my wife asked me what was up. "I think the pipes are frozen," says I. "Why don't you pour some hot water on them and see if they'll thaw out?" Brilliant I think and I make my way to the kitchen. I grabbed the tea kettle and go to the sink to fill it up. I flip up the faucet handle and...nothing. Doh! Foiled but not undeterred, I remember that I have some water out in the garage. I get some (thankfully it wasn't frozen) and I pour it into the kettle. After boilation, I removed the kettle and out to the pipes I traipsed. A little pouring and presto, the GoFast house was back in business. Kind of felt like being on a farm or something.

Anyway, sorry for the delay in getting going in 2007. Lot's of things to talk about, but not right now. If I wrote about it all, it would be a filibuster of blog land legends. Best just to be back in the saddle again and riding tall. Got stuff to talk about in no particular order:

1) Skiing with the boy and getting the girl on ski's for the first time.

2) Visiting friends in far out places.

3) Riding on Shamu. Far different story than that which might be told twenty some odd years ago.

4) Answering mail from some of my readers.

To name a few. Hope you are well and hope I can get things going.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger ~ lauren said...

frozen pipes in Alamo! wow!

i grew up in Alamo.

i remember snow once, but never frozen pipes. but i was oblivious as a child, so who knows.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Clare Carver said...

so you poured hot water where exactly to un freeze things????... : ) be careful johny you might hurt your self... glad to hear things are flowing again...

5:54 PM  

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