Some interesting stuff there in that video. Not certain why, but single track is a lot more fun than riding a wide open fire trail. There's definitely the perception out there that bikers are really bad for the environment, hikers, society, et al. I know when I'm out there, I try to go out of my way to smile and be extremely courteous to anyone I encounter. I'm generally met with the same behaviour. The horse riders are notoriously anti biker and I hit them with my best. I will often come to a complete stop even if they tell me their horse is okay with me passing. Hopefully some of this, in time, will change the us versus them mentality that exists today. One line in that video that is complete and total bullshit is the line about if you give the bikes one or two trails, they'll ride others. On Donner Summit a few years ago, there was a real issue with bikers poaching the Pacific Crest Trail. Instead of stepping up law enforcement to ensure that nobody rode the trail, the good folks up there in the mountains decided to cut in a trail close the the PCT called Hole in the Ground. It accesses all the same terrain and features all the same vistas. And low and behold, the incidences of people illegally riding the PCT has dropped dramatically. Some of the Tahoe Rim Trail that was once designated for hikers only has now been opened up on a limited basis to bikers. In other states (Utah for one), trails are open to bikers on certain days of the week. Hikers can still hike on those trails but they need to keep an eye out for bikes. Bikes must still yield, but they get to ride. Maybe someday we will be seen as people that like to get out in nature just as much as the next guy. Maybe we will be seen as people that pay taxes for land use just like everyone else. Maybe someday we will be able to sit at the lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus...or...wait a minute, maybe I'm getting carried away here.
Anyway, the point is, I'm headed to Truckee tomorrow (after a little stop in Williams) for a week with the family and the Griffociraptors. Looking forward to riding the dirt until my eyeballs fall out, boating with the kids, rafting, fishing, eating and drinking. I'll log in from up there with reports. In the meantime, c'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now. Can't hurt.
Johnny GoFast
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