Friday, March 06, 2009

So I really don't know what happened. Well, I do actually. But I guess I don't really think it's all that fair. I'm one of those people that has to work his ass off to lose even a single pound. When I'm motivated, I can train hard, give up drinking and chewing tobacco, stop all other interests in the name of training, forget about eating and dismiss social engagements like nobody. But when the switch is thrown, like it was on January 4th, I can fall out of shape, become demotivated, gain weight like a steroid era baseball player with the best of them. I was about 183 pounds on January 4th and this morning I toppled the scales at 203. Ouch! My normal racing weight is south of 178, so that's a 25 pound weight swing with 20 pounds coming within the last 60 days. WTF! Anyway, I'm back on the plan and this time three months from now, I'll be 198 and that's the part that I don't find very fair.

So I'm out there riding yesterday, keeping it mellow trying to coax my body into moving forward in some sort of semblance of athleticism, when Fast Freddy goes the other way. Not having my glasses on, I did my customary wave (which I do constantly--even to guys on recumbent bikes and triathletes). And to my surprise, Fast Freddy gave me a head nod. I thought to myself, "wow, that's a pro givin' me the nod. Pretty cool." And I found motivation in that for a little while until I started thinking, "he's probably wondering why that fat guy is even trying to ride a bike." And then I was bummed again. I went home and told the wifeage and she said, "he probably didn't think that, he probably thought...'good for you Fat keep riding that bike.'" Which is what I plan to do, but good (insert the deity of your choice here), do I have to dig such a deep hole? Hope you are well.

Johnny GoFast


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, I am amazed you gained so much, and I'll be dismayed if/when you burn it off. I am holding $%#%ing steady at 205 and I'd really give just about any bike in my garage, maybe two, to be back at my old race weight of 185. I hope you have more willpower, discipline and whatever else (dexatrim?) than I do. Go get 'em fatboy!

BTW Freddy's pretty friendly. It's the wannabe pros that maintain the carefully practiced air of helmetless indifference, clean shoe covers and all.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Gianni said...

Brotha, just keep ridin'.

The hip got you prettty good as well, I remember.Hard to keep training on one of those and get it better.

And dieting sucks.

Glad to see your back, though.

10:40 AM  

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