Friday, November 21, 2008

So the trip to the doctor went pretty good. This is how it went:

Doctor: What seems to be the problem?

GoFast: Well, my hip doesn't seem to be right. Me pulling up my boxers to show the affected area.)

Doctor: (Visibly aghast as he moves in and starts poking the swollen area with the blunt end of his writing implement.) How in the world did this happen?

GoFast: I arrested my forward progress by throwing myself on the ground whilst trying to bike race some other people.

Doctor: Emm-hmmmm. (Still poking and alternately kneading the area like my hip is some sort of bread dough.) Does it hurt when I do this?

GoFast: Not any more than if you don't touch it at all.

Doctor: Emm-hmmmm. What kind of bike racing? (He then made me do like a sideways leg lift against his hand and then do one forward as well.)

GoFast: I did it Cyclocross racing. It's kind of a hybrid of road and mountain bike racing.

Doctor: I've been wanting to get into that. I have a neighbor, Gannon Myall, do you know him?

GoFast: (So much for Doctor/neighbor confidentiality.) Know him? Hell, I didn't invent the "man crush", but I'm aware by now of it's power.

Doctor: Your leg is good to go. The strength is still there. It's going to take about eight weeks to fully recover. You don't need any special meds or anything.

GoFast: Eight weeks!?!

Doctor: It will gradually improve. It will be noticeably better by next week. You will be dragging the leg around a little bit, but you shouldn't risk doing any further damage.

GoFast: Well, I guess that will have to do. Thanks for looking at it.

Anyway, suppose it could be worse. I walked in with my head hung low and walked out like Fred Astaire. Now I've got my fingers crossed that it will improve dramatically by Golden Gate. I'm saying it'll hunt.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger Gianni said...

Bro- mance.
At least you have good taste in your cross racers.

This getting old crap really bites sometimes.

The chiro popped back in 3 ribs and one vertabrae in me today, so nice to breathe.

Now if he could fix the wonky knee......

Racing the LARP or Prunefest?

9:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ski season is just about here. What did the good Doc say about that??

You going to be bombing down KeyHole Chute or enjoying a beverage while watching the kiddies from the Chalet?

2:48 PM  

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