Monday, November 27, 2006

Is it just me or is everyone running on empty today? Sure, Hernando is over there cranking along, but he's not human. About all I've got for you is the story about someone actually putting up my wife for GodParent consideration. It ultimately got shot down due to there being some debate as to whether she was atheist or not. Now to set my reader straight, she is not atheist. She does have some issues with the whole Jesus being the son of God stuff, but she does believe a) there is a God, and b) there was historically speaking a fella running around named Jesus. I for one think she would make a great GodParent. She would have nothing but total respect for the dead parents and I'm certain that she would painstakingly follow through with the tyke's spiritual upbringing. It just would be hilarious to watch because she gets the creeps from organized religion types especially the door knocking types. I enjoy talking to the occassional Mormon or Jahova (I've just discovered that I have no idea how to spell that word-topic one next time they knock) Witness. I've never felt strongly enough about anything to go door to door to try and convince people that my way works/is the best. Why not listen? My wife on the other hand, can't do enough to make them go away. When she sees them coming, she runs and hides as if they are there to rob her in some way. Saving her soul for eternity everlasting is akin to Jeffrey Dahmer waltzing in with an apron on. So anyway, that's what I've got for you. Kind of a yawner. Hope you are well. I'm going to go nap.
Johnny GoFast


Blogger ~ lauren said...

i'm with your wife. i run and hide too. (she sounds pretty smart by the way - from reading your posts.)

i liked your post on what you're thankful for!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Gianni said...

Rainy grumpy monday.
This weekend things will improve.....

8:50 PM  
Blogger nosajpalnud said...

well the tank is full with lots to blog about but the free time meter is a runnin' empty

9:44 AM  

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