Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hey Gang, lots to go over so lets get in our seats, open up our books and get started. Yesterday, we continued down the path of reality TV. Recall that I had an initial encounter with this sect about a month ago. Well yesterday was the big launch of our new bedroom. At 7:30 in the morning a whole lotta people started rolling up to begin production, construction and everything in between. The first person I met was a painter. I asked what color they were going to paint the room and she coughed up yellow. I asked about lights and furniture and some other things that I was curious about as I showed her to the room. You see, this whole thing is supposed to be a surprise this evening when they reveal to us what they've done. The producers and others are really trying to build us up for the big moment when they reveal the room, at which point, I think, I'm supposed to go into a mock cardiac arrest or something. So I've been screwing with them a little. I could care less what goes on the walls, but I wanted to see what I could fetch out of the little helper and without thinking, she spilled. One point Johnny. I also had a good time asking the camera and sound guys if they've ever worked on a porno. My wife hit me for that question. The answer is no, to those of you that are perverts. They admitted that they've never been asked that question. Another point for Johnny. The best moment came when the host, David, revealed to me that he was gay. My gaydar is pretty good, but this one was a layup. C'mon, a guy that is into interior design, I mean really into it. So he says, "well even though I'm gay, I don't go into real feminine design." To which I say, "you're gay?" He looked at me kind of startled and said, "yes." It was at this point that I said, "you mean flaming?" Big chuckles from David as he said, "only with my boyfriend." Big whack from the wife. Johnny scores another point. It actually has been an okay time and the sketches that David has come up with look all right. We will see tonight.

So I talked to the carpenter for a while, and he seemed pretty cool. We hit it off immediately because he and I both love Hooters. It's really all you need to know about a guy to know if he measures up isn't it? Anyway, I hope to have some video for you soon. Anyone who can offer help on the YouTube thing, let me know. Some of you may be scratching your head as I've managed to up load a video on a previous post. Apparently my hunt and peck method to technology only works once.

Johnny GoFast


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