Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wifeage: I'm on my way to there anything you can think of that we need a pallet of?

GoFast: Do they sell luck?

Wifeage: Seriously. I don't have time for this.

GoFast: Why are you going to Costco?

Wifeage: I'm going to pick up some wrapping paper.

GoFast: Don't we already have enough to wrap the entire neighborhood?

Wifeage: Yes, but the kids have seen all that paper. I need to get some paper they haven't seen to wrap the "Santa" presents. I'm going to hide it in the computer room behind the bed.

GoFast: Why are you telling me where you are going to hide it?

Wifeage: In case something happens to me.

GoFast: Should something happen to you, I think the least of what I'm going to be concerned about is where the special "Santa" paper is. I mean that's just insane. How can you keep this many balls in the air? In fact, if something happens to you, I'm fairly certain that the kids are going to find out that in a complete and total shock to the world, Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all died on the same day you did.

Wifeage: You don't need to kill the Tooth Fairy. I've only remembered to leave money once. You've been doing an excellent job remembering to be the fairy.

GoFast: Okay, the fairy gets to live. But Santa and the Bunny are going down.

Wifeage: Please break it to them softly.

GoFast: Don't let anything happen to you.

Of course later, when they figure out that she was Santa and I was the Fairy, they'll have all sorts of gender questions for me. But at least I won't have to remember which paper is which for the sake of Santa. It's not even December yet, and the insanity has begun. Somebody save me.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger Ron Castia said...

I have bad news for your kids.
The Easter Bunny is Santa Claus in disguise. I found this out at the age of 6 when I went to the mall and saw the Easter Bunny sitting in the same chair Santa used just a few months earlier. I proceeded to foil this trickery (at the age of 6) by getting in line and promptly asking that fake bunny if he was really Santa Claus. The evidence was overwhelming and he caved under pressure and admitted to his conspiracy.

In other news, I set my wife's road bike brakes to rub and with all the extra work she had to do to keep it rolling was nearly convinced that maybe she wasn't contributing very much when on the tandem. Unfortunately she discovered the problem half way through her ride.

5:59 PM  
Blogger ~ lauren said...

the paper thing makes perfect sense. i do the same thing around here.

and good job on the tooth fairy stuff.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Congrats on finally getting your counter up and running...

I get the paper's tricky to keep it hidden, though.

8:13 AM  
Blogger jdub-sama said...

My 11 year old lost a tooth 2 weeks ago. He promptly brought it to our attention that he has lost a tooth but would not be putting it under his pillow as he "knows the tooth fairy does not exhist." We said fine, it's your call. "But if you don't put it under your pillow, you are sure to not get any money."

Well go figure, a week later he brought it to our attention that his tooth has been under his pillow for a week and no cash....

I guess he knows now!

He hasn't said a word yet about Santa. I guess $2 under a pillow is ok to pass on, but the gifts Santa brings are worth keeping his mouth shut.

11:22 AM  
Blogger jAndy donka-donk said...

When I tried to call out my dad as the fairy, he started to hint that the fairy doesnt visit once you finger it, I proceeded to believe again....

Once I fingered santa and the bunny being the oldest of 4, I instantly became santa and the bunny while my parents sat around managing the late night affair....

Thats a lot of fingering I realize now.....

11:53 AM  
Blogger jdub-sama said...

fingered Santa? That just doesn't sound right.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Ron Castia said...

I sure hope you washed those fingers before sticking them in your nose. Sounds like they have been around a few times.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Steve Griffiths said...

Eh, ya know this was a pretty good read up until the last couple of comments. Better go finger the snowman.

10:03 PM  

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