Friday, November 02, 2007

So I stopped by the bike store yesterday afternoon to pick myself up some of those Tufo tubular clincher type tires for my cross bike. Still holding out dreams of completing a race this year. Anyway, I walked out of there some $1,250. lighter having had to also buy a couple of sets of Ritchie wheels. As I made my way down the Boulevard, I could only wonder what the hell possessed me to drop such a large amount of money. Heck, for that kind of money, most people would expect a bike to be attached to the wheels as well. "Oh dear Lord what have I done," kept rolling through my brain like a jackhammer. And there was the wifeage to confront. So I got out my cookbook. Literally. I chose a recipe that I know she would like, wrote down the ingredients and I traipsed off to the store. I saw a neighbor lady and she asked why I wasn't at work and shopping. "Making the wife dinner," I said proudly. Less audibly I added, "spent a lot of money at the bike store today." She just smiled in a way that said, "good luck with that."

By the time she got home, my meal was well underway and the house was filled with a wonderful aroma. Candles were lit and the table set. She met me with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. Feeling guilty, I spilled. I didn't sugar coat it. When I was done, she simply asked if I thought it would improve my bikes and racing and I said yes. "Well then, it's probably worth it." And that was that. So no pan to the head, but give me time. My mouth sometimes has a way of correcting any good guy points I might have scored.

One further note: Pat McLaughlin needs to do an overhaul on his wife's bike. His wife came by me on the trail the other day and I heard her from a block away. Her bike squeaks like it's been left out in the sprinklers for a week. Dude, she may not say it, but she really does want you to look after her bike every once in a while. My guess is that she will be so pleased with you that you'll have carte blanche down at the shop as well (and isn't that all we are looking for these days). That's just me talking. Hope you are well.

Johnny GoFast


Blogger jdub-sama said...

Who says it wasn't Pat that turned the sprinklers on her bike in the 1st place....

2:47 PM  
Blogger Oz said...

WHAT?! $1250 for a pair of CLINCHERS with tubular CLINCHERS? To RACE cyclocross races? Cross. Wow, this is the first I've ever heard anybody spending that much money on clinchers for cross.

Last I checked anybody with a shred of hoping to up their game in cross spending that much on wheels are buying actual tubular wheels and tubular tires. It was clearly spelled out that way in the memo.

Hmm. But I'm sure the guys at the bike shop must know best.

Well, either way you'll probably wind up kicking my arse tomorrow. Just seems to be that kind of season for me. If not I'm sure the guys at the bike shop will happily trade-in those dupe-o-matic wheels for you.

Hope those Ritchey's are lighter than the FSA's CLINCHERS hangin' up in the garage with no purpose other than wanting to be useful.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Steve Griffiths said...

Ouch, way to make im feel good about the purchase Oz!

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spell it with me: R-I-T-C-H-E-Y

8:04 PM  
Blogger Johnny GoFast said...

Okay--let me clarify. I bought two SETS of wheels. That makes four in total. TWO rear and TWO front wheels. The hoops are Ritchey's. Protocol Ltd for one set (race wheels which will go on the road bike) and Protocol's which will be training wheels for the road bike. The Ksyrium SL's currently on the road bike are being moved over to the cross bike which will be fitted with the TUFO Tubular clinchers. I am not running typical tubular wheels still opting for the inner tube/tire combo. Next time I post, I'll be sure to wear my flame retardant suit. Hope that clarifies. Now, back to my regularly scheduled mind ramblings.

3:13 PM  

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