Wifeage: Why are you standing there with a crappy look on your face. I just told you we have no money.
Me: You mean after all the money we squirrel away in all the various accounts, and after we pay all the bills and then send a sizable chunk to the now failing financial institution down the street?
Wifeage: Why the face?
Me: Me? I'm not making a face. What's that smell? Is that dinner? It smells great.
Wifeage: It's the chicks. I haven't cleaned out their box and there is chickenshit all over it. Seriously, why are you making such a weird face?
Me: I got a really good deal on some wheels for the cross bike and I bought them.
(Me now visibly wincing and probably still making the face.)
Wifeage: Well you're just going to have to unbuy them. You'll have to give them back and say you're sorry but we just don't need a 15th pair of wheels.
Me: But these are tubulars. I don't have any tubulars and it will solve all the issues I've been having with my current tires rolling off the rim. I can run them at lower pressure which will make me go faster.
(At this point I could tell that something had registered with her regarding my impassioned speech. There was a bit of a pause and for a brief moment a flicker as she mulled this information over.)
Wifeage: Faster, you say? How much faster?
Me: I don't know. But it should be a better solution to what I'm running.
Wifeage: I understand they pay money at these races you're going to if you finish well. Isn't that so?
Me: I think so.
Wifeage: Then you better start getting in the money.
At this point we hugged. She shook her head and then told me to lay off any more major expenses. I tried out the Lauren plan of selling our kids to the gypsies. She balked.
So if you saw the wifeage at the race yesterday beating on me like a rented mule to catch up to the leaders while I looked like I was going to barf out loud, now you know. Wifeage wants the money and what the wifeage wants, the wifeage gets.
Hope you are well.
Johnny GoFast